
Anna Christie

Anna Christie (1930)

Dramë, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
FilmBox Arthouse | e mërkurë | 19:35

Vlerësimi: 6.5/10


It has been 15 years since Chris has sent 5 year old Anna to live with relatives in St. Paul, and now she is coming back. Anna needs rest and a place to stay so Chris moves Marthy off his barge. One night, going down the coast, they rescue 3 survivors of a boat sinking. The big strong Scot, named Matt, takes a liking to Anna and they go to Coney Island when they get back to land. Matt decides that he will marry Anna but Chris says no - as does Anna. Every male member of Chris's family has died at sea and Chris wants Anna to have children and a house on land. This causes friction between Chris and Matt so Anna sits them down and tells both of them the truth about her miserable life in Minnesota and the secret she has been carrying.


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