
Sean Saves the World: Busted

Sean Saves the World (2013)

Komedi | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: James Burrows

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EPISODI: 2 - Busted


Sean is determined to be a complete parent for his daughter Ellie, even in girls matters, such as choosing a bustier. The women in their life are convinced they can do that better, so Sean must compete notably with his mother and girlfriend Liz, even his odd boss Max refuses once more to be left out, even if such 'intilate' gift feels inappropriate.


Sean Saves the WorldSean Saves the WorldSean Saves the WorldSean Saves the WorldSean Saves the WorldSean Saves the WorldSean Saves the WorldSean Saves the WorldSean Saves the WorldSean Saves the WorldSean Saves the WorldSean Saves the WorldSean Saves the WorldSean Saves the WorldSean Saves the World


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