
Arne Dahl: Misterioso: Eye in the Sky - Part One

Arne Dahl: Misterioso (2011)

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EPISODI: 9 - Eye in the Sky - Part One


Part one of two. A woman collapses in the street having escaped from captivity in a basement, with no knowledge of why she had been kidnapped in the first place. As A Unit investigates what little the victim is able to provide by way of evidence, Kerstin and her team manage to link the underground dungeon where the woman has been held to a drugs ring run by a pair of brothers. Crime thriller, based on the 10th and last novel in the author's Intercrime series, starring Shanti Roney. In Swedish.


Arne Dahl: MisteriosoArne Dahl: MisteriosoArne Dahl: MisteriosoArne Dahl: MisteriosoArne Dahl: MisteriosoArne Dahl: MisteriosoArne Dahl: MisteriosoArne Dahl: MisteriosoArne Dahl: Misterioso


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