The Legacy is a modern family portrait. A description of the '68 generation and their children. A narrative about the sharp traces and consequences left by an intense time of upheaval upon modern family life - whether it takes place in a seemingly liberated and progressive artist's home or in a more traditional community-oriented, provincial and handball-minded environment. The serial plays out at the legendary manor Grønnegaard, southern Funen, where the internationally renowned artist Veronika Grønnegaard has lived an eccentric and colorful life since the wild sixties. The serial follows Veronika's four adult children whose free and chaotic childhood at Grønnegaard has left its mark on them in very different ways. They live scattered to the four winds until Veronika dies and they gather to wind up the estate. Just before she dies, Veronika leaves the manor to her daughter Signe, who was given up for adoption. Signe lives with her partner in a quiet residential area in the local town...


The LegacyThe LegacyThe LegacyNasljednici 02Nasljednici 03Nasljednici 04Nasljednici 05Nasljednici 06Nasljednici 07Nasljednici 08Nasljednici 09Nasljednici 10Nasljednici 11Nasljednici 12


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