
Operation Ouch!: How Can You See in the Dark?

Operation Ouch! (2022)

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EPISODI: 2 - How Can You See in the Dark?


How do you see in colour? And how can your eyes see in the dark? Time for Dr Xand to become Night Vision Man! We’ve taken over the school and even bumped the head teacher out of their office to answer your medical questions in Ouch & About. We bend your minds with a new trick in mindbenders and, in an Ouch! first, we see a camera go inside Dr Chris’ lungs! Meanwhile in the Emergency Department patient, Zona, has a super swollen knee and James has swallowed a magnet! Look out for today’s British Sign Language sign – it is ‘rainbow’.


Operation Ouch!Operation Ouch!Operation Ouch!Operation Ouch!Operation Ouch!Operation Ouch!Operation Ouch!Operation Ouch!Operation Ouch!Operation Ouch!Operation Ouch!Operation Ouch!Operation Ouch!Operation Ouch!Operation Ouch!


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