
American Greed: Scams, Scoundrels and Scandals: Unsolved: $300 Million Art Heist / Preying on Faith

American Greed (2008)

Dokumentar, Krim | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 3 - Unsolved: $300 Million Art Heist / Preying on Faith


Unsolved: $300 Million Art Heist A dark night. A clever plan. $300 million in art is stolen from a Boston museum. Paintings by Rembrandt, Vermeer and Manuet disappear into the night! Preying on Faith He's a man of faith and his name is Abraham Kennard. But this pastor preys on his flock. Trusting Christians from small, struggling churches who are hoping to better their communities hand over their savings to this pastor. But instead, as many as 1600 churches nationwide are swindled out of $10 million.


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