
Outback Truckers

Outback Truckers (2012)

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These hardy trucking souls put their jobs and their lives on the line every time they get behind the wheel, enduring harsh conditions, facing extreme danger and struggling with the many tough challenges that such an extreme job can have on both their professional and private life. Whether it is fires, floods, wild animals or the constant threat of crashing, these determined drivers must battle against the odds to ensure that every delivery is on time and undamaged. Any delay, mistake or lapse in concentration could cost them everything. In episode one of ‘Outback Truckers 3’, the man known as ‘Turbo’ pulls over 30 tonnes of weight across a length of bush equivilant to the River Ganges. Steve is in charge of heavy duty machinery that needs hauling across dusty red desert and follow Glen with his absolute monster of a job involving giant wind turbines being taken to the Snowy Mountains.


Outback TruckersOutback TruckersOutback TruckersOutback TruckersOutback TruckersOutback TruckersOutback TruckersOutback TruckersOutback TruckersOutback TruckersOutback TruckersOutback TruckersOutback TruckersOutback TruckersOutback Truckers


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