
Siguria e Aeroporteve: Roma në Klasin e Parë: Arestimet Kryesore

Airport Security: Rome (2022)

Dokumentar | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
National Geographic | e premte, 17 maj 2024 | 12:00


EPISODI: 1 - Top Busts


At Rome’s Fiumicino Airport, Italian State Police uncover some of the airport’s top drug loads. Police suspect a man is packing narcotics below the belt, while a woman arrives from Pisa with a strange package strapped to her back. A man claims to be delivering a gift to his daughter, but a criminal record involving drugs suggests otherwise. A wine merchant is caught importing something illicit.


Siguria e Aeroporteve: Roma në Klasin e ParëSiguria e Aeroporteve: Roma në Klasin e Parë


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