
The Proof is Out There: Dinosaur Sighting & Mysterious Lights

The Proof is Out There (2022)

Fantashkencë, Dokumentar | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Joe Gabriel
History Channel | 24.10.24 | 22:30


EPISODI: 1 - Dinosaur Sighting & Mysterious Lights


Did a film crew discover proof of a dinosaur living in the African Congo? Are reports of the strange lights above the Hessdalen Valley in Norway a sign of extraterrestrial activity? And has NASA uncovered proof of an alien structure on an asteroid?


The Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out ThereThe Proof is Out There


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