
Melrose Place: The Doctor Is In... Deep

Melrose Place (1997)

Dramë, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës

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EPISODI: 4 - The Doctor Is In... Deep


Craig's ad agency collapses after Eric pressures his investors. Kyle accuses Amanda of being insensitive to Craig's situation. She offers Craig a job, which he rejects. Billy nearly proposes to Samantha, but backs off. When Sam says that she wants to marry him, he declares that he is not ready for marriage. She leaves him. Kyle is annoyed when Eric decides to move to Los Angeles. Michael accompanies Peter to a medical conference in Santa Barbara to escape Taylor's demands that he ""service"" her. He is left completely exhausted when both Taylor and a suddenly conciliatory Megan show up at his hotel. Brett's ex-wife, Lexi, comes to town to discuss their financial arrangement. She and Peter are instantly drawn to each other. Taylor is certain that Michael has gotten her pregnant. Mrs. Shaw warns Brett to stay away from Michael, but Brett says that he is developing a plan to ruin him.


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