Red vs. Blue: Don't Get Me Started

Red vs. Blue (2009)

Animacion, Komedi, Fantashkencë, Aksion, Fantazi, Luftë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Burnie Burns

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EPISODI: 1 - Don't Get Me Started


Sarge attempts to intimidate the Blues by announcing the Red's imminent attack. Grif reasons that killing Caboose would remove the point of waging war, as the Blue base has not received any reinforcements, and may never receive any. Sarge reconsiders the attack and contacts Command to ask for advice on dealing with the Blues. Meanwhile Grif confides in Simmons that he would rather stall the battle for years, and be facing one "shitty" enemy, than transferred to a new base and fighting five "real" enemies. Command brushes Sarge off, claiming not to know anything about a Blue team. Simmons recalls that the Reds had deleted the information on the Blues while at Command.


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