Darkwing Duck: Life, the Negaverse, and Everything

Darkwing Duck (1991)

Aksion, Animacion, Familjar, Krim, Komedi, Fantashkencë, Fantazi | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Tad Stones

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EPISODI: 35 - Life, the Negaverse, and Everything


While pursuing the Fearsome Five (and therefore escaping the Muddlefoots and their boring ""Pelican's Island"" birthday party for Honker), Darkwing is thrown into a giant cake - which serves as the universal portal between his world and the Negaverse. In the Negaverse, everything is the extreme opposite of his world and Negaduck is supreme ruler, so Darkwing decides to use his new friends (The ""Friendly Four"") to change things a bit, which Negaduck does NOT like.


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