Darkwing Duck: Getting Antsy

Darkwing Duck (1991)

Aksion, Animacion, Familjar, Krim, Komedi, Fantashkencë, Fantazi | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Tad Stones

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EPISODI: 4 - Getting Antsy


The owner of the local mini-golf, Lilliput, has invented a helmet that allows him to communicate with ants. He then uses a shrink ray to shrink the buildings and landmarks of St. Canard, using the ants to haul the now-shrunk buildings back to the mini-golf, where thay become part of the course. When DW discovers his secret, Lilliput shrinks him down a tiny size, smaller than an ant. DW now has to foil the villain's plot, and get back to normal.


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