
Planeti i Kaltër II

Blue Planet II (2017)

Dokumentar | Mbretëria e Bashkuar, Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, Kinë, Francë, Gjermani

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Nearly a generation after the acclaimed Blue Planet documentary was released, David Attenborough returns to narrate this groundbreaking sequel/reboot. Blue Planet ll focuses more heavily on mankind's influence on the world's oceans through both global pollution and climate change. This series features a variety of revolutionary segments never before seen in a video documentary, including: cuttlefish that hypnotize crabs to stun them, giant trevally that leap out of the water to catch low flying birds, and newly discovered dancing yeti crabs.


Planeti i Kaltër IIPlaneti i Kaltër IIPlaneti i Kaltër IIPlaneti i Kaltër IIPlaneti i Kaltër IIPlaneti i Kaltër IIPlaneti i Kaltër IIPlaneti i Kaltër IIPlaneti i Kaltër IIPlaneti i Kaltër II


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