A summer in Vienna. It is hot. Too hot. Bibi jogs through the forest and quite by chance runs into a senior official from the Ministry of the Interior. A little later the man is dead. Moritz Eisner, who is due to start a long-awaited project at Europol and the EU anti-corruption agency OLAF in The Hague in a few days, decides to take on this case. But is it even a case? The ministry is pushing for the cause of death to be presented as a simple heart attack. Apparently there was no outside influence, and the traces of the doping agent in the blood of the deceased do not prove poisoning. Although the dead man was feared in the Ministry, he apparently only had friends. He leaves behind an honestly grieving widow, a neighbor who is friends and a caring sports doctor. Exactly at the time when Moritz Eisner tracks down the first gaps in the dead man's sparkling past, it is announced that he will not get the job in The Hague. The exemption, however, which he had applied for in order to be ...




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