
OPJ Pacifique Sud

OPJ Pacifique Sud (2023)

Режисер: François Bigrat

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сезона: 5

епизода: 5


Jackson Bellerose, a police investigator from Martinique, transfers to Nouméa, New Caledonia after working for some time in metropolitan France. His rigid personality clashes immediately with the relaxed tropical attitudes of his new colleagues, particularly Gaspard Watson, an ethnic European in his mid-fifties going through a messy divorce. His other colleague Clarissa Huarau is more understanding but is having her own problems with her rebellious teenage daughter. Jackson has considerable problems adjusting to the New Caledonian way of life and certain aspects of Melanesian culture. Anybody familiar with the BBC series "Death in Paradise" will have no problem understand the setting. In spite of their differences, the team solve a number of cases, gradually learning to appreciate each other and also helping in personal affairs.


OPJ Pacifique SudOPJ Pacifique SudOPJ Pacifique SudOPJ Pacifique SudOPJ Pacifique SudOPJ Pacifique SudOPJ Pacifique SudOPJ Pacifique SudOPJ Pacifique SudOPJ Pacifique Sud


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