сезона: 2

епизода: 2 - Das Meer der Frauen


After 16 years of stay in England where she became fashion designer Marit Gustavsson returns to her home town in Norway.Her parents died in an car accident some years ago and she wants the visit their tomb in the town's cemetery.Her sister Kristin and her Husband Petter have grown Ida, Marit's daughter since she was a little baby (Ida doesn't know that Marit is her mother).Kristin ,Petter and Ida have gone to the town for the celebration of the National Day of Norway, when suddenly appears Marit, Kristin is quite surprised.Marit tells her that she will spend some days here to manage some business and to make the peaces with her family.Ida seems very happy to know her aunt and Marit moves from the hotel to the family house.


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