сезона: 1

епизода: 1 - Neustart auf Mauritius


In a luxury resort in Mauritius, doctor Dr. Filipa Wagner all over again. A practice with a view of the beach, consultation hours in homeopathic doses and only small ailments from relaxed vacationers. In between: relaxing and surfing with the smart bartender Mike. That's the way to live. But Filipa didn't travel to the other end of the world entirely voluntarily. Your new boss, hotel manager Kulovits, is happy to be able to offer his guests the best medical care. But the very first emergency, when the waiter Jimmy sustains a life-threatening injury, pushes Filipa to her limits. They are only too happy to hand the patient over to the local hospital. With the usual medical treatment methods, the chief physician of the Inselklinik, Dr. Daniel Bucher, but little chance of saving the father's life. Filipa can't give up that easily after all. However, she has to face the responsibility again, which she actually wanted to leave behind when she fled to the holiday paradise.


Die InselärztinDie InselärztinDie InselärztinDie InselärztinDie InselärztinDie InselärztinDie InselärztinDie InselärztinDie InselärztinDie InselärztinDie InselärztinDie InselärztinDie InselärztinDie InselärztinDie InselärztinDie InselärztinDie InselärztinDie InselärztinDie InselärztinDie Inselärztin


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