рејтинг: 7.8/10
Оценка на корисникот: 10/10
(21 глас)


Events take place in a village of Northern Albania during the first years following Liberation. After many years Loke returns to her children with the hope of living together with them now. But her oldest son, Leka, being under the continuence of the kulak Tuç Marku, again drives her out of the house. Tuç has played a wicked role in the destruction of Gjoka s family. Murrash, who is the youngest brother, exposes Tuç and complete harmony is established in the family.The people s power is making the centuries old dream of the peasant a reality:the Agrarian Reform. To protect his properties, Tuç instingtes Vata, a man of a murky past, to assassinate Murrash. The crime arouses the indignation of the entire village. The villagers liquidate the bandits and capture Tuç Maku alive.


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