• Rregullimet më të vështira (2008)

    World's Toughest Fixes goes inside some of the most daunting repair jobs imaginable. Each episode follows host Sean Riley as he pushes himself to the limit while...
  • Nga një fabrikë në tjetrën (2015)

    How our favorite foods and products are made? Cherry Healey and Gregg Wallace go into the factories to figure out, while Ruth Goodman tell us about the historical...
  • Murdertown (2018)

    With first-hand testimony from family members, police officers, witnesses and reporters, we shine a light on some of Britain's darkest murder locations, examining...
  • Sehirden Uzakta (2020)

    Settling down outside of the city seems more appealing every day but how will it work in reality? Kivanc Kasabali, who wants to turn the idea of moving into a...

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