Miranda San Llorente is a modern, spirited young woman who seems to have it all: beauty, wealth, and a loving heart. Her millionaire father, Gonzalo San Llorente, has placed his hopes on her as his successor because, of his three daughters, it is she who most resembles him in drive and character. Florencia, the eldest, suffers from a heart condition that is driving her to an early grave, and the youngest, Renata, is a spoiled, irresponsible teenager. Miranda's thoughts are on her upcoming wedding. Her fiancé, Fabricio Beltran, is soon to return from Germany, where he studied for his doctor's degree. But Miranda does not suspect that Fabricio is not coming back to marry her, but her sister Florencia. Bertha DE Aragon, her maternal aunt, deliberately brought the two young lovers together out of pure spite, to hurt Miranda, whom she has never been able to manipulate because the girl is not deceived by her aunt's pretense of kindness. Miranda is a constant reminder of the woman Bertha ...

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