• Episodi 1.
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  • Episodi 11.
  • Ivko's Feast (2005)

    The story takes place in Nis, towards the end of the nineteenth century, during the calm down of the stormy historic events which led to final liberation of...
  • Ljubav, navika, panika (2005)

    After many years of marriage, Vera and Mica decide to divorce. But, neither Vera nor Mica want to leave the apartment, and their daughters, Maja and Janja. So,...
  • Billions (2016)

    U.S. Attorney Chuck Rhoades goes after hedge fund king, Bobby "Axe" Axelrod in a battle between two powerful New York figures.
  • The Republic of Sarah (2021)

    E përballur me shkatërrimin e qytetit nga duart e një kompanie lakmitare të minierave, mësuesja rebele e shkollës së mesme Sarah Cooper përdor një shteg të errët...

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