The events of the series revolve around a psychological clinic, and the stories and attitudes of a group of psychiatric patients who frequent it, and who lived...
Nje histori dashurie legjendare qe fillon ne Stamboll gjate viteve '70 dhe vazhdon ne tokat pjellore te Cukuroves, permes sprovave te se keqes, ambicjes dhe...
Nehir starts to text with Nazim,but when she sends him her photo,he sends Tarik's photo because of his wound on his face.But everything changes when Nehir decides...
Nafes was forced to marry vedat who abused & tortured her,one day nefes takes her son & escapes in a car truck of one of her husband's partners who is called...
The story revolves around a girl named Azra who is studying abroad in America to be a professional cook like her father. She met Cenk, the grandson of Ferida...
Seriali për jetën e vrasësit më të famshëm dhe krahu i djathtë i Pablo Eskobarit. Teksa karteli Medellin shkatërrohet, John Jairo Velásquez me nofkën JJ ose...
Reyhan was born in the countryside; is a modest, young and beautiful girl who grew up in traditional style. Reyhan remains an orphan after her mother's death, and...
A medic lives with his small and strange family between the mountains and every episode he comes across a situation with not only his patients but also his family...
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