Vlerësimi: 6.3/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 8/10


Jörg Hutter made client Barbar 'Bärbel' Leitner the iconic female extreme climbing champion. After a tragic fall in Patagonia and six months of rehab in Switzerland, they return to their native Alpine region. She expects her nerves will heal and her career resume, but he has better use for the required budget, concentrating on the sports equipment firm, as her sponsor bails out. The Leitner family stands by her: sister studied physiotherapy, their parents had the nursery adapted. Charming teen neighbor boy Wim, who was convicted to community service for free-riding public transport as an ecologist statement, volunteers to work it off as her personal driver, albeit it by tractor. Wim's equally nature-loving, bee-keeping father, just settled again in the beautiful Allgäu, quickly bonds with her and devises tailor-made contraptions. Blunt empowered ingrate Bärbel gets endless chances to learn to accept help and love in the tiny community while hoping therapy will work.


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