
Starting Up Love

Starting Up Love (2019)

Familjar, Romancë, Komedi | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Tim Cruz
DIVA | Sot | 21:45

Vlerësimi: 5.6/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 7.6/10
(12 Voto)


A young finance executive inherits her uncle's mountain cabin only to discover that he also left half of it to the ruggedly handsome handyman that had been caring for it.


Starting Up LoveStarting Up LoveStarting Up LoveStarting Up LoveStarting Up LoveStarting Up LoveStarting Up LoveStarting Up LoveStarting Up LoveStarting Up LoveStarting Up LoveStarting Up LoveStarting Up LoveStarting Up LoveStarting Up Love


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