The experienced lawyer Julia Lichtenberg works as in-house lawyer for the Hamburg company "Pasta Waller". On behalf of her partner and employer Peter Waller, she travels to Verona to negotiate the takeover of the Galvani family's fine pasta factory. However, despite serious financial problems, the proud Giovanni Galvani and his wife Carla are not even thinking of leaving their small traditional company to a large corporation. The Galvanis are represented in the matter by their friend and lawyer Robert Donatius. When they first met, the two lawyers could hardly believe their eyes: 15 years ago, when Julia was still living in Verona, she and Robert shared a great love - until Robert let her sit in front of the altar because he got cold feet. The two very quickly feel that their feelings for one another have been buried over the years, but not extinguished. At first, the insecure Julia reacts negatively to Robert's romantic advertising, after all, she is about to move in with Peter in Germany. In the end, however, she lets her feelings run free and spends romantic days and nights with Robert in Shakespeare's picturesque Romeo and Juliet city of Verona. At the same time, she tries to convince Peter not to put the Galvanis under further pressure - especially since Peter's daughter Sara, who is studying in Verona, is hopelessly in love with the likeable Galvani offspring Marco. But then Peter turns up in Verona as a complete surprise. And just as Julia has decided to leave him for Robert, she happens to meet the attractive Francesca Brunelli - Francesca introduces herself as Robert's partner and tells Julia that she is expecting a child from him.


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