
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde


Regjia: Paolo Barzman

Vlerësimi: 4.6/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 4/10
(2 Voto)


Dr. Henry Jekyll is a well-regarded physician whose evenings are spent researching a rare and sacred Amazonian flower so potent it's said to literally separate the soul, giving life to man's Dark Self. The obsessive experiments to isolate its psychotropic properties happen to coincide with a series of brutal murders gripping the city with fear. Jekyll knows it's no coincidence. While his nights are lost to him, he awakens with bloody mementos and violent memories of the screams of his victims. He knows the Dark Self is coming into his own. It's even given himself a name: Mr. Edward Hyde. Anxious to plead guilty, waive trial, face sentence, and be put out of his misery, where he can no longer do harm, Jekyll solicits the help of Claire Wheaton, a compassionate attorney attracted to unusual and lost causes. Agreeing to represent Jekyll, her case for extreme mental imbalance is convincing. Confined to an asylum, Jekyll realizes that he has lost control, that Hyde now emerges in both body...


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