
The Middle Man

The Middle Man (2021)

Komedi, Dramë | Gjermani, Danimarkë, Kanada, Norvegji
Regjia: Bent Hamer
Cinemax | e diel | 14:55

Vlerësimi: 5.9/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 4/10


THE MIDDLE MAN opens with the long-unemployed Frank getting his big break. He's just been hired to be the new middle man, a prominent if rather difficult job: in a town that's inexplicably plagued by accidents and disasters, Frank's primary responsibility is informing people about the deaths of their loved ones. (Few want to ask why the town has so many tragedies, and even fewer will ask why anyone stays.) Almost immediately, he hits it off with Brenda, the receptionist at city hall, but there are plenty of speed bumps to come – the most significant being Brenda's always-enraged ex, Bob, who is also Frank's longtime nemesis and a rejected candidate for Frank's new post. Bob's fury at being passed over will have fatal consequences and expose long-suppressed truths.


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