Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 10/10


EPISODI: 17 - Piggin' in the Rain


It may be a rainy and miserable Monday, but whenever and wherever an animal is in need, the staff at Pol Vet is there to help. At the clinic, Dr. Emily takes a look at a drove of pigs in the parking lot that are coughing with high fevers.


Dr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i Pabesueshëm


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