EPISODI: 10 - In Plain Sight


The victim: Chloe Wilson. The killer: Jessica Wilson, her older sister. Chloe's "Jane Doe" dead body is found in a house under construction, she killed by several shots by a nail gun. She is eventually identified by one of the home subcontractors, Cam Riley, her boyfriend of three months, the two who were supposed to rendezvous at the house to test out the just installed amazing bathtub the evening before, with Cam needing to cancel their date. It is then that the detectives discover the Wilsons' story... Twenty years ago, Ava Wilson, Chloe and Jessica's mother, was estranged from her husband, Jeremy Sheridan, the children's father. Three year old Chloe was abducted by her father. Jessica, then an adolescent, witnessed the incident, and still feels guilty for not having been able to save her sister. Ava is now close to death, she at stage IV cirrhosis of the liver, with Jessica dedicating her life as her caregiver. Jessica decided once again, after many failed attempts, to hire a private detective to locate Chloe to reunite the family before Ava's imminent passing. This private detective, Ian Mitchell, was able to locate Chloe and reunite the family as per his client Jessica's wishes. Apparently, Chloe was able to escape from her father when she was fifteen, but had never tried to locate her mother or sister as her father long ago told her they were dead. Despite outward harmony displayed by Ava and Jessica toward Chloe, the detectives discover that Ava was providing large sums of money to Chloe without telling Jessica, who may have felt that Chloe was now manipulating Ava in order to receive the bulk of the inheritance. This information, along with an important aspect of a now grown up Chloe's being, places Jessica at the top of the suspect list. However, the rationale for the killing is a little more complicated. Meanwhile, Chief Wells has requested Internal Affairs in the form of Sgt. Saunders to investigate Oscar's interference in the Tim Kelly case, Oscar's move which was all in an effort to protect Brian.




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