
You Have Been Warned

Owned It (2018)

Argëtim | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, Mbretëria e Bashkuar

Ku ta shikojmë
Shfaqja nuk është në dispozicion




Get ready for a fast-paced countdown of some of the world’s most amazing homemade science stunts and experiments - all found on the internet. Each episode takes the cleverest, funniest, most daring, outrageous or just downright bizarre clips - and uses a cast of the world’s best science experts to explain them for us. Upcoming episodes turn the spotlight on fearless and foolish internet legends, showcase some of the most inventive people on the web and, attempt to separate scientific fact from mere science fiction: can a saw made of paper cut wood?


You Have Been WarnedYou Have Been WarnedYou Have Been WarnedYou Have Been WarnedYou Have Been WarnedYou Have Been WarnedYou Have Been WarnedYou Have Been WarnedYou Have Been WarnedYou Have Been WarnedYou Have Been WarnedYou Have Been WarnedYou Have Been WarnedYou Have Been WarnedYou Have Been Warned


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