
The Animals of Farthing Wood: Scared Silly By Snakes

The Animals of Farthing Wood (1995)

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EPISODI: 8 - Scared Silly By Snakes


The two snakes find their way to Bully's nest after speaking to a rat with a feeling of impending doom. However Bully manages to escape leaving Adder and Sinuous frantically racing through tunnels with overwhelming numbers of rats looking for a way out. Adder reaches the surface but Sinuous turns the wrong way and ends up trapped underground. Toad tells Fox about the dwindling Frog numbers due to the rats eating them and Fox agrees to get the foxes to stand guard around the pond. Whistler informs Plucky about the events happening in White Deer Park and how they need his help to fight the rats. When the gates to the new reserve open to let out a van Plucky takes his chance to escape and jumps into the back of the van. However it goes the wrong way, but it is forced to stop when sheep block its path. Plucky jumps out and races back to White Deer Park. Meanwhile Owl is devastated when Hollow tells her about the pretty young owl he intends to become his mate once mature. Owl refuses


The Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing WoodThe Animals of Farthing Wood


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