
Siguria e Aeroporteve: Peruja

Airport Security: Peru (2017)

Dokumentar | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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On this episode, agents of the Antinarcotics Division of Jorge Chavez International Airport, in Lima, Peru, deal with a case of unique characteristics. In the meantime, officials face language barriers as they detain an Indonesian woman. And a passenger is carrying what seem to be adorable baby blankets, but they are really full of narcotics. At the loading docks, a shipment containing 24 jars puts the drug-detecting dogs' keen sense of smell to the test. Plus, the international flight rush hour results in 2 young passengers being detained side by side at the antinarcotics division headquarters.


Siguria e Aeroporteve: PerujaSiguria e Aeroporteve: PerujaSiguria e Aeroporteve: PerujaSiguria e Aeroporteve: PerujaSiguria e Aeroporteve: PerujaSiguria e Aeroporteve: PerujaSiguria e Aeroporteve: PerujaSiguria e Aeroporteve: PerujaSiguria e Aeroporteve: PerujaSiguria e Aeroporteve: PerujaSiguria e Aeroporteve: PerujaSiguria e Aeroporteve: PerujaSiguria e Aeroporteve: PerujaSiguria e Aeroporteve: PerujaSiguria e Aeroporteve: Peruja


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