EPISODI: 1 - Schuld und Vergebung


The lawyer Lisa Huber is returning from Munich to her homeland in the Allgäu to open her own law firm. Her new beginning is more than a professional decision: the lawyer finally wants to help her family get justice. For a long time, the Huber's Alm has suffered badly from having lost its pastureland to the Leitners in the valley. The painful enmity between the once friendly clans has a sad reason: Sebastian Leitner blames Lorenz Huber for the death of his youngest son, who died in an accident 20 years ago. In revenge, he legally took the willows from Lorenz, to whom he had granted a personal loan among friends. Now Lisa wants to win back the lost land in court. Her sister Marie, who throws the ailing farm and offers active vacation for city dwellers, fears the process. She knows: the wealthy Leitners are in a position to finally ruin their traditional alpine pasture. While old wounds break open again between the hostile mountain farmers, a family drama takes place among the holiday guests: Frieda Richthofen puts the private detective Helena Hartmann on her children David and Emilia. The career woman wants to prove that these are incited against her by her ex-husband Alexander. Soon it becomes more and more difficult for Helena to fulfill her secret mission.


At Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the MountainsAt Home in the Mountains


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