
Repo Man

Repo Man (1984)

Aksion, Komedi, Krim, Fantashkencë, Thriller, Mister | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Alex Cox

Ku ta shikojmë
Shfaqja nuk është në dispozicion
Vlerësimi: 6.9/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 6.6/10
(11 Voto)


Frustrated punk rocker Otto quits his supermarket job after slugging a co-worker, and is later dumped by his girlfriend at a party. Wandering the streets in frustration, he is recruited in the repossession of a car by a repo agent. After discovering his parents have donated his college fund to a televangelist, he joins the repossession agency (Helping Hand Acceptance Corporation) as an apprentice "repo man". During his training, he is introduced into the mercenary and paranoid world of the drivers, befriended by a UFO conspiracy theorist, confronted by rival repo agents, discovers some of his one-time friends have turned to a life of crime, is lectured to near cosmic unconsciousness by the repo agency grounds worker, and finds himself entangled in a web of intrigue concerning a huge repossession bounty on a 1964 Chevy Malibu driven by a lunatic government scientist, with Top Secret cargo in the trunk.


Repo ManRepo ManRepo ManRepo ManRepo ManRepo ManRepo Man


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