
Odvažni i lepi: #3690

The Bold and the Beautiful (2001)

Режисер: Michael Stich, Cynthia J. Popp

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сезона: 15

епизода: 178 - #3690


When the doctor came out of the room, he told Rick that they would have test results in a short while. Rick went into Amber's room, they discus that the doctor seems to think the baby is going to be OK. He realise how much he did love Amber & his family. They would meet the future together. The doctor returns, says Amber has a strep infection. In her examination, they discovered that she had an inflammationof the kidney. Normally, that wouldn't be much of a concern, Amber only had one kidney. The problem could be treated with cortisone, that couldn't be used on pregnant women. After the doctor left, Amber said she didn't regret giving Rick her kidney. Darla worried that Sally will make worse if she went to Café Ruse. Sally replied that she cared deeply for Massimo, wants help him out. She worries that whatever secret he & Stephanie were keeping was dangerous. Massimo was just about to tell Ridge the truth when Stephanie returns to the table.


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