
Odvažni i lepi: #3477

The Bold and the Beautiful (2001)

Режисер: Michael Stich, Cynthia J. Popp

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сезона: 14

епизода: 215 - #3477


Thorne is surprised when Eric informs him that he fired Morgan. Brooke is angry as she promised Morgan that she could stay. Eric tells her that family comes before business and Morgan needs to be far away from their family. In St. Thomas, Ridge and Taylor talk about renewing their vows. Ridge promises to love Taylor and never hurt her again. They dress all in white and head to a secluded part of the island and prepare for the ceremony. Morgan is furious when she returns to the beach house and finds Stephanie packing her things. Stephanie tells Morgan that she is moving her out and hands her a ticket for a flight to New York. Morgan is livid but heads to the airport and boards the plane when Stephanie reminds her that Ridge and Taylor are in St. Thomas renewing their vows.


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