
Holiouks: Lucky Gym

Hollyoaks (2005)

Режисер: Paul Riordan, Sean Glynn

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сезона: 11

епизода: 32 - Lucky Gym


The pressure to look good brings hope and hindrance for Lee and Bombhead.

Lisa spent the night crying. Paula wrote herself a valentine's card out secretly and binned in view of Nicole and Candy. Zara was sympathetic of Lisa and assured her that she'd be happy one day. Bombhead and Lee were body conscious of what Mel had said. The sale of the pit stop had fell through and Les didn't want to go there because of all the memories of Dan. Lee and Bombhead went to Les for advice however the advice they were given was pessimistic. Ben told Jake that Scott was been sent away for a long time, and he (Ben) wanted revenge on Darren. Liz sent Richard a late valentine's card. Justin was happy when Richard asked him about school, the two bonded. Tony was worried about what Ben had said about the marriage not been legitimate and asked Jake for advice. Mandy overheard and went mad. Ben was also mad at Darren and put him through a grueling exercise regime. Bombhead and Lee decided to strip naked to see if they were normal. Tony tried hard to find out if he was legally married.


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