сезона: 1

епизода: 3 - Nolde vs. Liebermann


Two outstanding artists, one location, and an acrimonious rivalry - these are the key ingredients for the five-part series "The Antagonists: Rivalry in Art" which deals with envy and burning ambition, drive and the desire to reach new heights of artistic creation, as well as failure and the triumph of success. At the heart of each episode lies a conflict and a break with tradition that will eventually lead to innovation. Through their rivalry we will come to understand their real character and their fascinating stories will be revealed. 1. Episode: Michelangelo vs Leoardo. 2. Episode: Van Gogh vs Gauguin. 3. Episode: Nolde vs Liebermann. 4. Episode: Caravaggio vs Baglione. 5. Episode: Turner vs Constable.


The Antagonists: Rivalry in ArtThe Antagonists: Rivalry in ArtThe Antagonists: Rivalry in ArtThe Antagonists: Rivalry in ArtThe Antagonists: Rivalry in Art


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