
Kumkum Bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya (2014)

Режисер: Diramar1984, Sameer Kulkarni

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сезона: 1

епизода: 8


Bulbul s dream of getting her dream man as a boss seems to have crashed. Meanwhile Pragya is in love with Suresh and in her madness falls in the waters where Abhi was shooting for an advertisement. Abhi shoots a scene with her but later realises that she is not the actress. Abhi feels that Pragya has a boyfriend problem and even announces it to the media. At her office Bulbul mistakes her boss to be mis-behaving with her, but later realises her mistake. Preparations for Suresh's sister's wedding takes place.

Kumkum Bhagya' is its Indian interpretation, following the life of a Punjabi matriarch Sarla Arora who runs a marriage hall and lives with the hope of seeing her two daughters Pragya and Bulbul who're poles apart, happily married some day! Known for making shows that are women-centric, the pivotal characters of this new show are a bunch of strong, feisty women, living together in an all-female, matriarchal family.


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