Non è che non possa sposarmi, ma non mi sposerò

It's Not That I Can't Get Married, I Just Don't Do It (2016)

Komedi, Romancë, Dramë | Japoni

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Tachibana Miyabi is 39-years-old and she hasn't had a boyfriend in 5 years. She enjoys her life as a single woman. She is a doctor and runs her own beauty dermatology clinic. Miyabi is pretty and confident, but at her school reunion, she finds herself being pitied by others for still being single. After the school reunion, she attends a gourmet meeting at a restaurant. There, she talks about her school reunion. At that time, Seiji, the owner of the restaurant, makes a biting remark that she isn't the type popular with men. She becomes upset by the remark, but she accepts his advice.


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