Grace is thrilled to be taking over the town's Christmas parade, but when the man playing St. Nick breaks his arm, she needs to find a replacement, even if the replacement is unwilling.


Ska rishikime
  • The Wedding Ring (2021)

    Kate Sterling owns and operates Tokens of Love, a custom design jewelry store, in Minneapolis, she its designer. She treats the store like an extension of family,...
  • Starting Up Love (2019)

    A young finance executive inherits her uncle's mountain cabin only to discover that he also left half of it to the ruggedly handsome handyman that had been caring...
  • Pasione të papritura (2019)

    Një gazetare ambicioze që po heton një skandal, e gjen veten në një dileme të madhe kur fillon të ketë ndjenja për djalin e pashëm, me të cilin u afrua vetëm...
  • Running Mates (1985)

    Main opponents at the mayor's election in Nashville are the middle-class Jones and rich Adams. Their children, 21 years old Thommy Lee and 17 years old Elisabeth...

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