Vlerësimi: 5.8/10
Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 8/10
(28 Voto)


When Michael Corben, along with the rest of his high-school French class, set out for a trip to France, he runs headlong into international intrigue: Agent Michael Corbin has just been disposed of by the evil forces of Augustus Steranko. When it's learned that Michael Corbin is alive and well, and still on his way to France, he's beseiged by both the good guys and the bad guys. British Intelligence outfits him with a series of James-Bond-like gizmos, and Steranko sends more would-be assassins after him. Can Michael stop the evil Steranko's plans for European domination?


Teen AgentTeen AgentTeen AgentTeen AgentTeen AgentTeen AgentTeen AgentTeen AgentTeen AgentTeen AgentTeen AgentTeen AgentTeen AgentTeen Agent


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