On the last day before summer vacation, Michael Ryan finds an anonymous love letter in his locker. Michael has a crush on Deborah Anne Fimple, who is the most beautiful girl in high school, and his friend Roger Despard convinces him that Deborah has written the letter. Michael writes a love letter to Deborah and asks his best friend Toni Williams, who actually wrote the letter for him, to deliver the letter to Deborah that is also her friend. However, Toni reads the letter and rewrites it to Deborah, who immediately falls in love with the unknown author. Meanwhile, Michael's mother Connie Ryan finds Michael's letter and believes it belongs to her husband George Ryan and Deborah's father Lou Fimple finds Deborah's letter and believes it belongs to his wife Elizabeth Fimple. Michael dates Deborah while their parents are astonished with the betrayals of their mates. Michael soon finds that Deborah is a shallow teenager who only dates college students and he misses Toni. Furthermore, he realizes that she has written the love letters and he feels that he loves her. But Toni is aboard of a ship ready to travel to study abroad for one year. Will they meet each other?


Secret AdmirerSecret AdmirerSecret Admirer


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