
Momshies! Your Soul is Mine

Momshies! Ang Soul Mo'y Akin (2021)

Komedi | Filipine
Regjia: Easy Ferrer

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Three women with totally different lives accidentally get their souls switched as they struggle with the comedic misadventures of their new worlds, they realize that their own lives and families are worth loving and living for. Jolene, a famous person who always has fans in public, Mylene - an overprotected lady who always gets pleasure and love and Karlene - a rich famous social media influencer all switch bodies but their lives did not just change, but their souls switched that leaves them with no choice but to stick together to live the peculiar lives of each other. Karlene then has to convince a group of investors to invest in her near-bankrupt hotel, but no one believes her because she is trapped in Mylene’s body. In the process of all of their imaginative scenarios, they drew closer to each other into becoming the soul sisters they are destined to be.


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