EPISODI: Wildes Venedig


Behind the picturesque backdrop of palaces, churches and canals exists an unexplored cosmos populated by an extraordinary menagerie of creatures, ubiquitous but barely visible. They live in the middle of the city, diving under it or looking down on it from high above. Who would have guessed coral reefs in the Venetian Lagoon; who would have thought that the sandbars and islands are home to a variety of wildlife - from foxes to martens to the thousands upon thousands of migratory birds; who knows the colorful animal world of the hidden gardens of Venice?
The documentary "Wild Venice" explores the unknown Venice of animals. Using the rich fish population, she shows the connection between the open sea and lagoon waters, she encounters the rich bird population of the uninhabited lagoon islands, finds Venice's young falcons in their well-hidden shelter and looks over the walls of the city's secret gardens, full of colorful small creatures, their stocks are now recovering since the decline in the high number of cats. It is also a journey to the hidden spots of the lagoon that are usually off-limits to tourists.




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