

Insan (2005)

Regjia: K. Subhash

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A loner ex-cop driven by his need for vengeance, no one, nothing, is able to penetrate his shell. Not even the love of Meghna who hopes in vain that her love will make him forget his pain. As he drives his rickshaw through the streets of Bombay. Amjad still scours the thousands of faces on the streets looking for his brother Azhar who went missing years ago. Amjad tries in vain to hide his pain with his love for Hina. But how do you dilute the pain of such a personal loss? Ambition brought Avinash Kapoor to Bombay, the same ambition that drew Indu; the ambition to become a film star. To find glamor, fame, success and wealth. Instead they found each other. Ajit Rathor. Avinash Kapoor, Amjad, Three different men with three different missions. Find now that their worlds are linked by a secret which will change them forever. Three men are going to find that the very qualities that made them human; Hate. Sorrow. Despair. Love. Pain. Ambition. Hope. Are going to make them cross the line struggle to remain human.


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