Vlerësimi i përdoruesit: 4/10


EPISODI: 7 - The Cow Jumped Over the Moon


A slew of unusual findings and emergencies have Dr. Pol and Diane convinced the full moon is the cause of the chaos. Between every cow at Gary Smith's farm being pregnant and cannibalistic pigs, the animals seem wilder than ever.


Dr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i PabesueshëmDr.Poli i Pabesueshëm


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