
The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy: Billy Idiot

Grim & Evil (2005)

Regjia: Sue Perrotto

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EPISODI: 23 - Billy Idiot


When Billy is accepted to Mrs. Pollywinkle's dancing academy, his father tries to persuade him to forget about dancing because of his own bad experience as a child during a recital. At the academy it is revealed that Mrs. Pollywinkle is actually a powerful, dark witch set on stealing Billy's soul. Billy's dad unexpectedly comes to rescue, challenging Mrs. Pollywinkle to a dance competition, which he wins using a powerful dance move. Billy's dad tells Billy to follow his dream of becoming a dancer if he so wishes, but Billy changes his mind saying that dancing is for girls. Note: This episode was inspired by the movie Billy Elliot.


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