
Melrose Place: Divorce Dominican Style

Melrose Place (1998)

Dramë, Romancë | Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës
Regjia: Chip Chalmers

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EPISODI: 1 - Divorce Dominican Style


Kyle tries to manipulate Taylor into revealing the truth about her scheme involving Christine. Although Michael warns her to keep quiet, Taylor comes clean after Kyle threatens to break up with her. Kyle insults Taylor and her unborn child, then departs for the Dominican Republic. Amanda and Kyle's divorce is finalized. She marries Rory, as Kyle arrives at the ceremony seconds too late. Taylor tries to commit suicide through carbon monoxide poisoning. Jennifer tells Billy that she has known about Sam's affair with Jeff for months. Jennifer reveals her affair with Billy to Jeff and convinces him to tell Samantha. A furious Sam attacks Jennifer, but Billy comes to Jen's defense. Sam moves out of the apartment. Megan takes a job waitressing at the jazz club after the medical practice lets her go. She learns that Michael cost Brett the Philadelphia job by telling Larner about her past profession. She holds this information over Michael's head to stop him from making trouble at the practice


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